In this article we profile our Chief Executive Officer, Serena Ross:
Q: Please describe your role at Circuitwise. What does a typical day look like?
As CEO, I am responsible for the strategic direction of the organisation and oversee all functions in the organisation. At a high level, this involves activities like strategic planning, team development, risk management, customer segmentation and financial analysis. However, I am very hands-on and spend a lot of time with customers. A typical day is answering lots of questions from staff and customers alike.

Q: What is the most important part of your work?
Making sure the customers are happy and making sure they feel we are approachable. I do this by spending time understanding what customers want from us and building a relationship built on trust. Customers know that they can call me at any time.
Q: What is the most interesting part of your work?
Learning about awesome new technologies that are coming up. Some of the things I have seen recently are systems to help cure cancer using cell and gene therapy, products for helping babies in the delivery room, and development of self-driving wheels for wheelchairs making them affordable and reducing the number of shoulder injuries. I spend a lot of time with entrepreneurs and design-houses and I am inspired by their ingenuity and passion.
Q What is the most common question you get asked at work?
Customers always want to know how we can help simplify their manufacturing process. They want to know what they can outsource to us. For example, they might ask if we can ship the finished product to their customers directly or do the full product assembly rather than just supply the PCB assemblies. Everyone wants to know if we are competitive with Asian manufacturers and I’m pleased to say the answer is yes – but don’t take my word for it, take the word of Siemens who did a detailed procurement analysis of Circuitwise versus a competitor in Asia.
Q: What are your favourite activities outside of work? What are you most enthusiastic about?
I’m very family-oriented and spend heaps of time with relatives. I also like socialising, having people over. I also love dancing, Salsa in particular.
Q: What is your best tip for customers in manufacturing electronic products?
Choose a contract manufacturer which is well-aligned to your needs and stick to them. Just like a marriage you need to choose someone and make it work. The benefit of a long term relationship is that everyone understands each other and work together easily – like you are one company. If you shop around every time to do an order or develop a new product, you will never get the best value. Value is more than the cheapest price.
Q: What do you think is the most important reason product developers should use Circuitwise?
Our customers tell us we are easy to work with. They value that we are willing to work with them to ensure the product launch is smooth. We don’t get bogged down the cost. When we decided to take a customer on we will do everything to make their product successful.